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Garden Club Enjoys Tour Of Walker’s Nature DeZigns During March Meeting

By Betty Baker Thomas

Public Relations Chair

The Garden Club of WV

The Garden Club of Water Valley met on March 9, with Jane Borgognoni from Hernando as their guest. Jane serves on the Board of Directors of Garden Clubs of Mississippi, Inc. as chairman of Design Study. Seven members and three guests attending enjoyed her presentation and study class.

The March 21 meeting was held in the home of Zandra Walker at 112 Young Street. Zandra has a beautiful home and club members  in attendance enjoyed the tour of her country home, with charm straight from her heart. We enjoyed meeting on her patio in front of her shop, where all her creations are born. She is a lady with God-given talents. 

Her shop is named, “Nature DeZigns.”  There she decorates for weddings, anniversaries and church sanctuary designs.

Zandra had lots of designs up her sleeve and her presentations were made from her yard and from whomever she could borrow a twig—just natural feelings about the specimen.

The hostess served a tasty salad combination plate for all to enjoy. 

President Patsy Stewart, president, presided over the business meeting, which was very informative. Hank Ducey, chairman of the gazebo project, explained what lies ahead for working on the landscaping that the club has planned. All old shrubs will be replaced by new native plantings. The city crew will be pulling the old plants out for us—they are always so helpful. The project is to be finished before Watermelon Carnival time. 

The club is also getting ready for their flower show, to be held May 13.

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